Quality System
Quality is a priority for us: we guarantee high quality standards at every stage of the production process.
Availability, international competence, expertise, competitive prices, speed and flexibility are our strengths, on which we always aim to meet the needs of our customers.
The speed in satisfying customer requests is a strategic success factor and the only way to meet these expectations is to have an optimized and efficient organization capable of decreasing the costs of operations, increasing the flexibility and readiness of response to changes in consumer tastes. In order to maintain high quality standards at every stage of the production process, we guarantee both confidentiality of each
customer’s project and exclusive use of the components produced.
Industry 4.0
We have overhauled the warehouse activities by reorganizing the storage of over 8000 moulds in less than 15 m². So we have recovered 90% of the space and at the same time improved conditions in terms of order, cleanliness and ease of access for storage operations. Warehouse operators have in fact significantly reduced the time required for these activities and improved the safety of their work.
And we didn’t want to stop only at greater efficiency, but also grow in professionalism and quality. In fact, for years, exactly since 2008, we have started to use 3D printing to support the design work.
Through dedicated skills and software we are able to offer the best design service to our customers. In the die casting department there are new generation machines, all energy saving, monitored by a MES software for process management. We are equipped with a 3D laser, tumblers and turbo-burners powered by a newly purchased state-of-the-art purifier and we have various measurement systems, among which a microscope for detecting porosity on the pieces, and several assembly machinery designed and built from ourselves. Furthermore, every year we invest in the purchase of increasingly advanced machinery to improve the quality of products and the sustainability of our production.
The integration with the company management software has made it possible to obtain important benefits in terms of efficiency and reactivity to the market.
And we didn’t want to stop only at greater efficiency, but also grow in professionalism and quality. In fact, for years, exactly since 2008, we have started to use 3D printing to support the design work.
Through dedicated skills and software we are able to offer the best design service to our customers. In the die casting department there are new generation machines, all energy saving, monitored by a MES software for process management. We are equipped with a 3D laser, tumblers and turbo-burners powered by a newly purchased state-of-the-art purifier and we have various measurement systems, among which a microscope for detecting porosity on the pieces, and several assembly machinery designed and built from ourselves. Furthermore, every year we invest in the purchase of increasingly advanced machinery to improve the quality of products and the sustainability of our production.
The integration with the company management software has made it possible to obtain important benefits in terms of efficiency and reactivity to the market.
Pioneers of sustainability, over the years we have obtained certifications that attest that our products comply with the human-ecological requirements necessary for consumer protection and the absence of harmful substances, causing a positive impact on society and the environment.
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